C++ cmath

C++ acos()

Returns Inverse cosine a Number

C++ acosh()

returns hyperbolic cosine of a number

C++ asin()

Returns Inverse Sine a Number

C++ asinh()

returns arc hyperbolic sine of a number

C++ atan()

Returns Inverse tangent a Number

C++ atan2()

Returns Inverse Tangent of a Coordinate

C++ atanh()

returns arc hyperbolic tangent of a number

C++ cbrt()

Computes Cube Root of a Number

C++ ceil()

Return ceiling value of number

C++ cmath abs()

Returns absolute value of an argument

C++ copysign()

returns num with value of first and sign of second

C++ cos()

Returns Cosine of the Argument

C++ cosh()

Returns Hyperbolic Cosine of an Angle

C++ exp()

returns exponential (e) raised to a number

C++ exp2()

Returns 2 raised to a Number

C++ expm1()

Returns e raised to Power Minus 1

C++ fabs()

Returns absolute value of argument

C++ fdim()

Returns Positive Different Between Arguments

C++ floor()

Returns floor value of decimal number

C++ fmax()

returns largest among two arguments passed

C++ fmin()

returns smallest among two given arguments

C++ fmod()

Computes floating point remainder of division

C++ frexp()

breaks float to its binary significand

C++ hypot()

Returns Square Root of sum of square of Arguments

C++ ilogb()

returns integral part of logarithm of |x|

C++ ldexp()

returns product of x and 2 raised to the power e

C++ llrint()

Rounds argument using current rounding mode

C++ llround()

Rounds argument to nearest long long int value

C++ log()

Returns Natural Logarithm of a Number

C++ log10()

Returns Base 10 Logarithm of a Number

C++ log1p()

returns natural logarithm of x+1.

C++ log2()

returns base2 logarithm of a number

C++ logb()

returns logarithm of |x|

C++ lrint()

Rounds argument using current rounding mode

C++ lround()

Returns the long int value nearest to the argument

C++ modf()

Breaks Number Into Integral and Fractional Part

C++ nan()

returns a quiet NaN value

C++ nearbyint()

Rounds argument to using current rounding mode

C++ nextafter()

returns next value after x in direction of y

C++ nexttoward()

returns next value after x in direction of y

C++ pow()

Computes Power a Number

C++ remainder()

Returns remainder of x/y

C++ remquo()

Computer remainder and stores quotient of x/y

C++ rint()

Rounds argument using current rounding mode

C++ round()

Returns integral value nearest to argument

C++ scalbln()

Scales x by FLT_RADIX to the power n

C++ scalbn()

Scales x by FLT_RADIX to the power n

C++ sin()

Returns Sine of the Argument

C++ sinh()

returns hyperbolic sine of an angle

C++ sqrt()

Computes Square Root of A Number

C++ tan()

Returns Tangent of the Argument

C++ tanh()

returns hyperbolic tangent of an angle

C++ trunc()

Truncates the demical part of a number