install microsoft visual C++ 14 — setting up visual studio build tools 2017 | by Tyler Garrett | Medium

install microsoft visual C++ 14 — setting up visual studio build tools 2017

visual studio installer build tools 2017 c++ 14.0 etc etc etc… takes time, start it now.

(oh yeah and restart is necessary here).

Start early, the next part takes longer.

The install takes a little bit of time too.

setting up visual studio build tools 2017

Time to take a nap.

As you’re installing, go check out your next hurdle. Beautiful soup!

Here’s what you need to check out to knock out the visual studio portion.

  1. explains the basics.
  2. shows you what to download.

Run the installer, don’t select anything other than default settings, and click install. It takes a little bit, and then you need to restart.

Once we get back from the restart, we will do the following pip installs.

pip install lxml (breaks with out c++14.0.)


Typos by tyler garrett