
 * Popups have a single purpose, to populate the Text fields with valid values, but users can
 * type those in manually. The following parse functions try to recover the source storage, columns
 * from the Text fields for quantities. On successful parsing (names and sources local variables are set).
 * The syntax for File sources is File:<xxxx>:<yyyyy>
private boolean parseDomainOrRangeText(JTextField jQtyTextField, boolean isDomain) {
   String text = jQtyTextField.getText();
   // Check for Empty
   if (text.length()==0)
      return false;
   // Check for qualifiers
   // We need to be forgiving in case the user types in the quantity manually
   String trimmed = text.trim();
   // Split around ":
   String columnNameList = trimmed;
   // If file doesn't exist or doesn't have column complain, otherwise
   // set Storage and Column
   String[] columns=columnNameList.trim().split(",",-1);
   if (isDomain){
      if (columns.length!=1){
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Can't have more than one column for domain");
         return false;
      } else{
         return true; // Should check coordinate exists
   } else {   // range
      for(int i=0; i<columns.length; i++){
      rangeNames = new String[columns.length];
      System.arraycopy(columns, 0, rangeNames, 0, columns.length);
      // set sourceY here after all error detection is done.
      return true;