Sorted collection in Java

What I have done is implement List having a internal instance with all the methods delegated.

 public class ContactList implements List<Contact>, Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -1862666454644475565L;
    private final List<Contact> list;

public ContactList() {
    this.list = new ArrayList<Contact>();

public ContactList(List<Contact> list) {
    //copy and order list
    List<Contact>aux= new ArrayList(list);

    this.list = aux;

public void clear() {

public boolean contains(Object object) {
    return list.contains(object);

After, I have implemented a new method “putOrdered” which insert in the proper position if the element doesn’t exist or replace just in case it exist.

public void putOrdered(Contact contact) {
    int index=Collections.binarySearch(this.list,contact);
        index= -(index+1);
        list.add(index, contact);
        list.set(index, contact);

If you want to allow repeated elements just implement addOrdered instead (or both).

public void addOrdered(Contact contact) {
    int index=Collections.binarySearch(this.list,contact);
        index= -(index+1);
    list.add(index, contact);

If you want to avoid inserts you can also throw and unsupported operation exception on “add” and “set” methods.

public boolean add(Contact object) {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Use putOrdered instead");

… and also You have to be careful with ListIterator methods because they could modify your internal list. In this case you can return a copy of the internal list or again throw an exception.

public ListIterator<Contact> listIterator() {
    return (new ArrayList<Contact>(list)).listIterator();