JavaScript DOM: Collect the value of href, hreflang, rel, target, and type attributes of a link – w3resource

JavaScript: Collect the value of href, hreflang, rel, target, and type attributes of a link

Last update on August 19 2022 21:51:53 (UTC/GMT +8 hours)

JavaScript DOM: Exercise-4 with Solution

Write a JavaScript function to get the value of the href, hreflang, rel, target, and type attributes of the specified link.

Sample HTML file:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=utf-8 />
<p><a id="w3r" type="text/html" hreflang="en-us" rel="nofollow" target="_self" href="">w3resource</a></p>
<button onclick="getAttributes()">Click here to get  attributes value</button>

Sample Solution: –

HTML Code:

<!DOCTYPE html> 
<meta charset=utf-8 /> 
<title>Collect the value of href, hreflang, rel, target, and type attributes of a link</title> 
<p><a id="w3r" type="text/html" hreflang="en-us" rel="nofollow" target="_self" href="">w3resource</a></p> 
<button onclick="getAttributes()">Click here to get the attribute's value</button>  

JavaScript Code:

function getAttributes()
 var u = document.getElementById("w3r").href;
 alert('The value of the href attribute of the link is : '+u);
 var v = document.getElementById("w3r").hreflang;   
 alert('The value of the hreflang attribute of the link is : '+v);
 var w = document.getElementById("w3r").rel; 
  alert('The value of the rel attribute of the link is : '+w);
 var x = document.getElementById("w3r").target; 
  alert('The value of the taget attribute of the link is : '+x);
 var y = document.getElementById("w3r").type; 
  alert('The value of the type attribute of the link is : '+y);  

Sample Output:



Flowchart: JavaScript -  Collect the value of href, hreflang, rel, target, and type attributes of a link.Set the background color of a paragraph.

Live Demo:

See the Pen javascript-dom-exercise-4 by w3resource (@w3resource) on CodePen.

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