App Turns Android Interface Into iOS 16 Clone: Massive Success

It’s not easy going from one ecosystem to another; a big part of it comes down to using an unfamiliar user interface. That is also true for smartphone users wanting to switch from an iPhone to an Android.

Millions of users have selected Launcher iOS 16 (50M downloads as of late), an Android “launcher” app that makes the user interface look like the newest iOS. Of course, it would smooth out some bumps going from Apple’s ecosystem to Android.

However, many people use this to have a consistent GUI (graphical user interface) within the Android ecosystem! That’s a good solution since going from a Samsung to a OnePlus device can yield some significant visual differences, and it could be nice to “feel at home” on any device.

We have not crossed that threshold, though, perhaps because we’re used to changing GUI all the time. Remember, this is a cosmetic change, and not all iOS functionalities or settings are reproduced. However, it’s good enough that many people use it daily, so if you’re having a hard time with Android’s UI, this might help.

Filed in . Read more about Android, iOS and Social Hit.