Difference Between HTML and HTML5

Key Difference between HTML and HTML5

  • HTML Doctype declaration is lengthy while DOCTYPE declaration in HTML5 is simpler.
  • Audio and video are not HTML parts, whereas audio and video tags are supported in HTML5.
  • In HTML, a Web Socket is not available, on the other hand, in HTML5 you can establish full-duplex communication channels with a server using Web Sockets.
  • HTML is less mobile-friendly, while HTML5 is mobile-friendly.
  • It is impossible to get the actual Geolocation of a person browsing any website in HTML, whereas JS Geolocation API in HTML5 enables you to identify the location of the user browsing any website.


What is a Markup Language?

A markup language is a system design for annotating a document in such a way that it can be syntactically distinguishable. It uses tags to define elements. Markup languages contain English language phrases and words. Therefore, they are easy to read. Markup languages are designed specifically for the processing, definition, as well as presentation of text.

What is HTML?

HTML is the language used for the World Wide Web. It is the standard text formatting language used for creating and displaying pages on the Web.

HTML files are consist of two things 1) the content and 2) the tags that format it for proper display on pages. It can be used by technologies such as Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and scripting languages such as JavaScript. The full form of HTML is Hypertext Markup Language. It is also know as HTML v 1.0 and is the first iteration of HTML markup.

What is HTML5?

HTML5 is the 5th version of HTML version 1.0 with support for more tags and features. Technically its termed HTML version 5.0, but colloquially it called HTML5.

The latest version of Browsers like Safari, Opera, Chrome, and Firefox supports all most all features of HTML5. A web developer can use HTML5 for developing photo sites, web forums, and advanced mapping applications. The Full form of HTML5 is Hypertext Markup Language 5.

Difference between HTML vs HTML5

Below is the key difference between HTML and HTML5:


HTML Doctype declaration is lengthy.
DOCTYPE declaration in HTML5 is simple.

HTML Character encoding is longer.
HTML5 Character encoding declaration is simple.

Audio and video are not HTML parts.
Audio and video are HTML5 part.

It is possible to draw a vector with the help of other technologies like Silverlight, Flash, VML, etc.
Vector graphics are a part of HTML5, e.g., canvas, SVG.

It is impossible to get the actual Geolocation of a person browsing any website.
JS Geolocation API in HTML5 enables you to identify the location of the user browsing any website.

HTML offers local storage instead of cookies.
Html5 uses cookies to store data.

In HTML, it is not possible to draw basic shapes.
In Html5, it is possible to draw basic shapes.

It allows you to run JavaScript in a browser.
It enables you to run JavaScript code in the background.

You can use HTML with all old browsers.
You can use HTML5 with all new browsers.

You can use browser cache as temporary storage.
You can use application (database and web storage) Cache as temporary storage.

Web Socket is not available.
You can establish full-duplex communication channels with a server using Web Sockets.

There is no process to handle structurally incorrect HTML codes.
HTML5 supports persistent error handling via the improvised error handling process.

HTML is less mobile-friendly.
HTML5 is mobile friendly.

Attributes like async, charset, and ping are not present in HTML.
Attributes of async, ping, charset, and are a part of HTML5.

HTML does not allow drag and drop effects
HTML5 allows drag and drop effects.

Offer new attributes like tabinex, id, tabinex, etc.
These are certain attributes which are applied to HTML 5 elements.

Structure of HTML

Here is a structure of HTML:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Guru99 Home</title>
        <h1>Best Tutorials on Planet</h1>

Structure of HTML5

Here is the structure of HTML5:

<!doctype html>

<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>HTML5 Title</title>
  <meta name="description" content=" HTML5 Title">
  <meta name="author" content="Guru99">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/styles.css?v=1.0">
  <script src="js/scripts.js"></script>

Features of HTML

  • Platform independent language.
  • It is not case sensitive language.
  • You can control colors, fonts, as well as positioning using Cascading Style Sheets.
  • We can build tables.
  • Enhance the presentation of a page using the HTML element.
  • Enables you to develop a web page using tags.
  • Use graphics and also display text in various fonts, sizes, and colors.
  • It helps you to create hyperlinks to navigate to various documents which are present on the web.
  • You can display data in a tabular format.
  • Create more than one window in a web page to display information from multiple sources in different windows.

Features of HTML5

  • It supports local storage
  • HTML5 has New content related elements, like, <header>, <footer>, <article>, <section>, <nav>, etc.
  • It offers new form controls, like date, calendar, time, URL, email, and search.
  • The <canvas> element for drawing 2D diagram
  • Support for CSS3, the newer and version of CSS.
  • Provides media support.
  • Figure element can be combined with elements to easily associate a caption with the other image elements.
  • You can store large amounts of data locally without affecting site performance.
  • HTML is capable of handling incorrect syntax.

Advantages of HTML

Here are pros/ benefits of HTML:

  • Easy to use for web pages development
  • Effortlessly create a web document
  • It helps you to navigate within the web pages and between websites that are located on different servers.
  • In HTML, you can set queries to use the images that are responsive in nature.
  • User cannot save the browser data that persist across sessions.
  • Once data is stored in the browser, the developer can think further to make the application work.

Advantages of HTML5

Here are pros/ benefits of HTML5:

  • It has capabilities like a large set of new APIs regarding file system, client-side storage, event handling, and more.
  • Easy to create a new interactive website.
  • Because HTML5 takes a pragmatic approach, you can effortlessly fix real-world problems.
  • It has simplified Doctype and character set.
  • HTML5 offers elements like <details>, <dialog>, <mark>, and more.
  • It has improved web forms with a new attribute for <input> tag.
  • HTML5 gives persistent local storage in order to achieve without resorting to any third-party plugins.
  • It has a WebSocket, which is a next-generation communication technology for developing web applications.
  • HTML5 introduces events which are called as called Server-Sent Events (SSE).
  • It has simplified markup
  • Support of two-dimensional drawing surface which you can program with JavaScript.
  • HTML5 enables you to create your own vocabulary.
  • You can create your own custom semantics.
  • Drag and drop the items from one place to another place on the same webpage.
  • Supports numerous videos.
  • HTML5 has enhanced web application experience with APIs like visibility, media capture, fullscreen, etc.

Disadvantages of HTML

Here are the cons/ drawback of HTML:

  • HTML does not help to create dynamic pages. It can create only plain pages.
  • You may need to write a lengthy code for making a simple webpage.
  • Security features are not good in HTML.
  • It takes time to develop anything that even resembles a webpage.
  • HTML is not flexible like other webpage developing software like Dreamweaver.
  • It is not following centralized approach. You need to edit the webpages separately.

Disadvantages of HTML5

Here are cons/ drawback of HTML5:

  • It requires modern browsers to access it.
  • There are issues related to media licensing.
  • Multiple device responsiveness can be a headache.
  • The HTML5 language is still a work in progress.
  • Gaming struggles with JavaScript under HTML5.
  • There are no good IDEs that are available in HTML5.