executeQuery Method (java.lang.String) – JDBC Driver for SQL Server

executeQuery Method (java.lang.String)

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Runs the given SQL statement and returns a single SQLServerResultSet object.


public final java.sql.ResultSet executeQuery(java.lang.String sql)  



A String that contains an SQL statement.

Return Value

A SQLServerResultSet object.




This executeQuery method is specified by the executeQuery method in the java.sql.Statement interface.

This method overrides the executeQuery method that is found in the SQLServerStatement class.

Calling this method will result in an exception since the SQL statement for the SQLServerPreparedStatement object is specified when the object is created.

SQLServerException is thrown if the given SQL statement produces anything other than a single SQLServerResultSet object.

See Also

executeQuery Method (SQLServerPreparedStatement)
SQLServerPreparedStatement Members
SQLServerPreparedStatement Class