How do I download an ISO file on Windows XP?

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If you are running Windows XP, there is no standard support for ISO files. These files however are quite common as an alternative to installation CDs or DVDs. An ISO file is basically an image of a CD or DVD. You can use CD Burning software to create a CD from the ISO file. Can I download Windows XP for free? XP is not for free; unless you take the path of software pirating as you have. You will NOT get XP free from Microsoft. In fact you will not get XP in any form from Microsoft.

ARCHIVED: At IU, how can I install Windows XP Service Pack 2 from a CD?

Does windows xp still work? The answer is, yes, it does, but it is riskier to use. In order to help you out, we will describe some tips that will keep Windows XP secure for a pretty long time. According to market share studies, there are a lot of users who are still using it on their devices.


How do I make an ISO file on Mac?

Haga clic en la utilidad de disco. Ir a donde dice archivo nueva imagen de la carpeta de arrastrar y soltar 11 en él.