Java Scanner char input example without nextChar

How to add Java Scanner char support

The Java Scanner class provides methods that take String input and convert that String into any Java primitive type you might need, except for one: the char.

The Java Scanner class provides the following self-explanatory methods:

  • nextInt()
  • nextByte()
  • nextBoolean()
  • nextFloat()
  • nextDouble()
  • nextLong()
  • nextShort()

But the one method it doesn’t have is nextChar().

Scanner input one char at a time

The trick is to change the delimiter to nothing.

Just set the delimiter to two double-quotes with nothing inside: "". The empty quotes make the Scanner chunk out the line one char at a time.

At this point, the Scanner still returns a String, although the String contains only one character. To complete the use case, you must convert this one-character String into a single Java char with the charAt(0) method.

Java Scanner char input code example

The code to get Scanner input one char at a time looks like this:



public class


// implement a nextChar Scanner method

public static void

main(String[] args) { System.out.println(

"Input char data to the Java Scanner: "

); Scanner charScanner =


Scanner(; charScanner.useDelimiter(




(charScanner.hasNext()) {


name =;


(name == '\n') {


; } } } }

Notice that the code has a check for the newline character, as this will be treated as an input character if not filtered out.

How to read the next char with Java’s Scanner

To summarize the process, follow these steps to read user input with the Java Scanner one char at a time:

  1. Read a line of text with the Scanner as you normally would do.
  2. Change the Scanner’s delimiter to an empty set of double quotes, "".
  3. Convert each single-character to a char with the charAt(0) method.
  4. Filter out any special characters such as EOL of EOF.

And that’s how easy it is to create a char input Scanner method in Java.