Use the set::find function in Visual C++ – Visual C++

Use the set::find STL function in Visual C++

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This article illustrates how to use the set::find Standard Template Library (STL) function in Visual C++.

Original product version:   Visual C++
Original KB number:   158576

Required header



template<class _K, class _Pr, class _A>
class set
    // Function 1:

    const_iterator find(const _K& _Kv) const;


The class/parameter names in the prototype may not match the version in the header file. Some have been modified to improve readability.

Description of the set::find function

The find function is used to locate an element in a controlled sequence. It returns an iterator to the first element in the controlled sequence whose sort key matches its parameter. If no such element exists, the returned iterator equals end().

Sample code


In Visual C++ .NET and in Visual C++, /EHsc is set by default and is equivalent to /GX.

// Compile options needed: -GX
// SetFind.cpp:
//      Illustrates how to use the find function to get an iterator
//      that points to the first element in the controlled sequence
//      that has a particular sort key.
// Functions:
//    find         Returns an iterator that points to the first element
//                 in the controlled sequence that has the same sort key
//                 as the value passed to the find function. If no such
//                 element exists, the iterator equals end().
// Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

#pragma warning(disable:4786)
#include <set>
#include <iostream>
#if _MSC_VER > 1020   // if VC++ version is > 4.2
   using namespace std;  // std c++ libs implemented in std
typedef set<int,less<int>,allocator<int> > SET_INT;

void truefalse(int x)
  cout << (x?"True":"False") << endl;
void main()
  SET_INT s1;
  cout << "s1.insert(5)" << endl;
  cout << "s1.insert(8)" << endl;
  cout << "s1.insert(12)" << endl;

  SET_INT::iterator it;
  cout << "it=find(8)" << endl;
  cout << "it!=s1.end() returned ";
  truefalse(it!=s1.end());  //  True

  cout << "it=find(6)" << endl;
  cout << "it!=s1.end() returned ";
  truefalse(it!=s1.end());  // False

Program output

it!=s1.end() returned True
it!=s1.end() returned False